Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

You need to be a PADI Divemaster or an equivalent level of certification from another certification agency. It’s better to be a PADI Divemaster because you’ll already be used to the wording and structure of the course.
To start the course you need 60 dives, And you need 100 to go to the IE (Instructor Examination). Those dives would be in a variety of conditions and locations.

We provide a ‘Flexi – Schedule’ system meaning our IDC are tailored to an individual’s requirements. This gives you greater flexibility with your planning and does not tie you down to a specific date. We provide you with the best value and the highest standards in diver training worldwide.

No. But it helps. The fitter you are the easier you will be able to deal with the rigors of being a PADI Scuba Diving Instructor. This industry will require you to carry scuba tanks, move scuba equipment and help in a variety of ways around shops and boats. Adding to this, diving is a physical sport, it places stresses on your body and cardiovascular systems, so it’s best these are in good shape before you become an industry pro!
IDC runs for around 10 days, including the required Emergency First Response Instructor course. It is followed by the 2-day Instructor Exam.
Yes. We often have divers cross over from other organizations to become PADI instructor. Your Course Director will make sure you have all the necessary PADI equivalent certifications to begin your IDC. If there are any courses you still need, we can help you complete them in order to enroll in PADI Instructor Development Course
Our Course Director will send you some helpful information once you sign up, but there are some things you can do now to prepare. First, review your Dive Theory. The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and PADI’s Dive Theory Online are both very helpful tools. Second, try to assist on at least one of each of the core PADI classes in the weeks leading up to your IDC. Third, practice the skill circuit. You’ll need to make sure these are up to demonstration quality for your IDC and IE.
We Provide full range of PADI Professional Courses, PADI IDC Staff, PADI Specialties and Emergency First Response Instructor Courses. We can assist to train you if you are choosing to cross over from another organization and will always assist as much as possible as far as continuing your education is concerned.
You need to be comfortable in the water without scuba equipment, if you are not happy in water without flotation devices you will simply never be a good instructor. Swimming is an essential part of becoming a good PADI instructor, though it doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t become one. So long as you can pass your two swim tests and meet the other in water requirements you can be an instructor.
What's an MSDT? A PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer is two levels above a standard Open Water Scuba Instructor. To attain this level, you need to have five different specialty instructor ratings, and show your teaching experience having certified 25 divers.
A worldwide search for PADI IDC programs revealed prices ranging from $1798US all the way up to $10,000US or more for a “zero to hero” program.
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