Underwater Navigator Specialty Instructor

Underwater Navigator Specialty Instructor
Underwater Navigator Specialty Instructor
Underwater Navigator Specialty InstructorWhether your first navigation dive or your hundredth, few moments indiving compare with the satisfaction and pride you feel when you navigate adistance or specific navigation pattern and hit your mark dead-on. Keep thatthought, the philosophy of this course is to focus on fun and challenging underwater navigation dives with an emphasis on safety. Thus, the ... Read More
AED 850
Ex Tax: AED 810

Underwater Navigator Specialty Instructor

Whether your first navigation dive or your hundredth, few moments in
diving compare with the satisfaction and pride you feel when you navigate a
distance or specific navigation pattern and hit your mark dead-on. Keep that
thought, the philosophy of this course is to focus on fun and challenging underwater navigation dives with an emphasis on safety. Thus, the goal of this course is to teach student divers a systematic, methodical approach to enjoying underwater navigation.

Student divers will develop the techniques involved in navigating underwater within recreational limits and while avoiding disturbing delicate marine life.The

best way to learn underwater navigation procedures and to apply them is by doing it.

This course philosophy therefore, expands student diver knowledge
about environmental clues that help them to navigate, how to use a compass for precision, patterns that aid navigation, navigational instruments and how to interact responsibly with the aquatic life they’ll see while navigating underwater.

Student divers will apply the knowledge they gain by reading the PADI Underwater Navigator Manual and watching the companion video on at least three open water dives practicing and demonstrating the practical aspects of underwater navigation.


Learn to Teach PADI Wreck Diver Specialty Course

As a PADI Specialty Instructor You will teach students how to use natural references and environmental pointers to help navigate and provide them with the skills to use a compass accurately.

The PADI Underwater Navigator specialty course philosophy is to focus on the fun and challenge of underwater navigation.

Additionally, it is to develop the skills to navigate underwater safely within recreational limits and without disturbing the fragile marine ecology.

The course teaches you how to educate your student divers with the skill of effective underwater navigation.


To enroll to PADI Wreck Specialty Instructor

You must be, 

  • Be at least a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor or currently participating in or have completed an IDC/OWSI Program within the past 12 months.
  • IDC/OWSI candidates may apply for Specialty Instructor certification only after successfully completing an IE.
  • Be medically fit to dive.


The course consists of two sections:

  1. Knowledge Development
  2. Open Water training – 1 Navigation training dive


During the knowledge development section, you must complete the following:

  • Present a knowledge development presentation from the PADI Underwater Navigator specialty manual by prescriptively teaching a missed question from the knowledge review.
  • Review & understand the purpose and goals of the PADI Underwater Navigator specialty course.
  • Review & explain the Navigation course standards and procedures from the PADI Specialty Course Instructor Guide and list all student and Instructor equipment requirements.
  • Demonstrate mastery of all knowledge development.
  • Describe how to conduct all course segments in a manner that enables divers to meet course performance requirements.
  • Participate in a marketing and promotional workshop where you will learn techniques to promote the Navigation specialty diver course to your students and the general diving public.
  • Participate in a pricing workshop.


During the the Open Water training, you must complete the following: 

During the Underwater Navigator Instructor course you must complete all performance requirements of the specialty diver course of those 3 dives over a minimum of 1 training dive.

  • Demonstrate mastery of all water skill performance requirements for the Underwater Navigator specialty diver course.
  • Conduct an Open Water teaching presentation from the Underwater Navigator specialty diver course.
  • Demonstrate all Underwater Navigator specialty skills performance requirements.

Upon completion of all the course performance requirements, you will receive the ADI Underwater Navigator Specialty Instructor certification.


Are you ready to Start?

Contact us  for private counseling and to help plan your next steps as a dive professional.

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