PADI Learning Materials

PADI offers a wide range of learning materials for its courses, including eLearning programs, manuals, and DVDs. 
These materials are designed to provide a structured learning experience and ensure that you gain the knowledge and skills required for safe and enjoyable diving.
PADI’s eLearning programs allow you to start your scuba training digitally at your convenience. You can work at your own pace, online or offline, using a computer or mobile device. 
The eLearning courses cover various levels from beginner to professional.
For each course, PADI provides specific educational materials, such as the Open Water Diver Manual, Rescue Diver Manual, Divemaster Manual, and various specialty course materials. 
These are available in different formats, including books, digital manuals, and interactive multimedia.
PADI also offers Crew Packs, which are comprehensive packages that include all the required materials for a particular course or certification level. 
These packs often contain manuals, DVDs, and other necessary training aids.
Materials for Professionals
Expand your knowledge and hone your skills to become pro.
Materials for Students
Learn At Your Own Pace Beginner, Intermediate & Expert